Includes boiler & component manufacturers, designers, fabricators, suppliers, consultants, insurance
*one complimentary member representative per Company Membership.
- Networking with major companies in the power and process industry; suppliers and distributors; government contacts; CBS Members
- Opportunity to serve on technical, program or membership committee within CBS
- Company logo presented on the CBS website homepage
- Included in CBS Members Directory
- Access to Membership Resources
- Posting rights in CBS Forums (includes job board for recruitment)
- Member rate registration to CBS Activities
- Eligible to be considered to present at CBS Events
- Unlimited complimentary company job postings to CBS Job Posting Page
- Use of the CBS Logo to denote membership with CBS
- Included in CBS Mailing list
- Voting rights (one vote per company)
Includes additional representatives of Company Members in good standing. Includes all benefits of Company Membership.
Includes recognized institution or trade school with programs related to the boiler industry
*Students of institution member receive complimentary Student Membership
- Networking with major companies in the power and process industry; suppliers and distributors; government contacts; CBS Members
- Opportunity to serve on technical, program or membership committee within CBS
- Opportunity to serve on government stakeholder or advisory committees on behalf of CBS
- Company logo presented on the CBS website homepage
- Included in CBS Members Directory
- Access to Membership Resources
- Posting rights in CBS Forums (includes job board for recruitment)
- Member rate registration to CBS Activities
- Eligible to be considered to present at CBS Events
- Unlimited complimentary company job postings to CBS Job Posting Page
- Use of the CBS Logo to denote membership with CBS
- Included in CBS Mailing list
Networking with major companies in the power and process industry; suppliers and distributors; government contacts; CBS Members
Included in CBS Members Directory (First Name, Last Name, Position, Company)
Access to Membership Resources
Member rate registration to CBS Activities
Included in CBS Mailing list
Networking with major companies in the power and process industry; suppliers and distributors; government contacts; CBS Members
Included in CBS Members Directory (First Name, Last Name, Area of Study, Institution)
Access to Membership Resources
Member rate registration to CBS Activities
Included in CBS Mailing list